Refuse Haulers

Western National’s specially designed insurance program for refuse haulers is tailored to protect the work and property of your unique collection operation.
Our customizable program offers a variety of coverages and services to fit your unique insurance needs.
Supplemental Application
Commercial Auto Supplemental Application (PDF)
Available Coverages
- Cargo
- Commercial Auto Liability / Physical Damage
- Crime
- Employee Benefit Liability
- Employer’s Practices Liability (EPL)
- Equipment Breakdown
- Flexible Deductible Options
- General Liability
- Inland Marine
- Medical Payments
- Personal Computers, EDP Equipment, Data, Media, and Phones
- Property
- Umbrella
- Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability (only for accounts with minimal / no manual curbside collection; except in OR and WA)
- Enhancement endorsements available for General Liability, Property, and Auto
Western National seeks well-established refuse collection operations of above-average quality that:
- Utilize multi-line / package policies
- Have at least three years of industry experience
- Have established practices in place for: driver selection and hiring, vehicle / equipment inspection and maintenance, and safety
- Operate within a 300-mile radius